Social Security Data Errors Can Turn People Into The Living Dead READ In 2011, an audit found that about 1,000 people a month in the U.S. were marked deceased when they were very much alive. Rona Lawson, who works in the Office of the Inspector General at the Social Security Administration, says that number has gone […]
August Healthcare News
Here’s what’s going on in the healthcare industry this month: Could a molecular ‘on-off switch for agony’ lead to a safer painkiller? READ A boy in Pakistan became a local legend as a street performer in recent years by traversing hot coals and lancing his arms with knives without so much as a wince. A thousand […]
July Healthcare News
A few highlights from the news in our industry… Pharma’s Secret Weapon to Keep Drug Prices High READ “Familiar to only a few people inside the insular world of intellectual property law, secondary patents work like this: Companies file for additional, defensive patents to thicken the protection around their original base patents. These additional patents rarely […]
June Healthcare News
A few highlights from the news in our industry… The superbug that doctors have been dreading just reached the U.S. READ “For the first time, researchers have found a person in the United States carrying bacteria resistant to antibiotics of last resort, an alarming development that the top U.S. public health official says could mean […]
May Healthcare News
A few highlights from the news in our industry… The Big Way Obamacare Helps The Poor Isn’t Really About Their Health “The hope was to improve people’s physical health, but new research shows an important effect on financial health: The law has helped many poor Americans pay off the collection agent.” Read More A dogged quest […]
MedBridge Corporate Retreat 2016
This year, MedBridge ventured out to Chase Palm Park in Santa Barbara for their corporate retreat. The day began with a breathing and meditation exercise lead by P3 Specialist, Alex Ash. The exercise is used to calm the mind and reinforce its ability to control the body. Of course the exercise was supplemented with the beautiful sound […]
April Healthcare News
April healthcare news update: You’ve never heard of the powerful doctors making decisions about your health READ “They are the most powerful group of doctors no one has ever heard of — 16 physicians who decide which checkups and tests Americans need to stay healthy. But increasingly, their work is more controversial than obscure.” Are you […]
MedBridge will be at the UCSB Spring Career Fair!
Attention all UCSB students!! MedBridge will be at the Career Fair April 14th. We are so excited to meet all of you and announce our open positions. As expected, our booth will be GREEN (see photo to the left). If you are as eager to meet us as we are to meet you, please stop by […]